Tag Archives: news

Don’t solely rely on other people

It is not a good idea to solely make your determinations, judgments, decisions and resolves based on opinions. I encourage you to get clarity: learn for yourself, read for yourself and get an understanding so you can be clear to make educated choices about people, places and things. If it is at all possible for you, base your decisions on knowledge that you have attained through your own search for understanding. People’s opinions are their viewpoints, not taking your thoughts and beliefs into account, and they have a right to it.

Viewpoints are shaped by experiences, upbringing, perceptions and a person’s own truth that they use to guide their own lives, which may not resonate or connect with the way you live and what you believe. So, don’t solely rely on other people for your news and information, especially when you can find out for yourself.

Frenetta Tate is CEO of Frenetta Tate International, a Certified Women’s Life Empowerment Coach, Certified International Entrepreneur Coach, Business Strategist, Author and Speaker. I am passionate about helping Entrepreneurs understand their unique advantage, embrace their personal power with clarity and develop a unique business strategy for their business growth and sustainability. email to frenetta@frenettatate.com or connect to @frenettatate on social media.